Federation for Innovative Drug Research Netherlands

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PharmaNL Human Capital Growth 2024 call was released November 6, 2024

Yesterday the Human Capital Growth Programme of the PharmaNL growth fund released a call for funding. The aim is to help the development of education in the five “life long learning” themes with the highest priority, as defined by means of a gap analysis. More details can be found on...

DMD was a great success

The FIGON Dutch Medicines Days held in Oss on 16 and 17 October 202 were a great success. Lightly following the theme of Lifestyle Diseases, a great plenary programme and 17 parallel sessions were organised with may opporunities for debate. Furthermore, the new generation participated in the...

Join us for the Dutch Medicines Summer Afternoon on Thursday June 27, 2024

BioPartner 1 buildingJ.H. Oortweg 21, 2333 CH Leiden Find here the program of the day: Click on the program...

Heinekenprijs voor proteomics pioniers

Rudi Aebersold en Matthias Mann ontvangen de Dr H.P. Heineken Prize voor Biochemie en Biofysica 2024 Vandaag is bekend gemaakt dat twee pioniers op het gebied van proteomics, prof. Rudi Aebersold (ETH Zurich) en prof. Matthias Mann (Max Planck Institute Martinsried) de Heineken prijs voor biochemie...

RARE-NL van start

Een nationale hub voor de ontwikkeling medicijnen en drug repurposing voor zeldzame ziekten is op 3 juni gestart. Meerdere universitair medisch centra en FAST hebben dit initiatief genomen. Hier een link naar een nieuwsbericht van Amertdam UMC...

Tessa de Vries wins the European PhD pitch competition

For the second time the EUFEPS held the European PhD pitch competition during their annual meeting which was held in Hungary last week. They initiated this competition, inspired by the Dutch Medicines Days in 2022. The winner of the Dutch competition in 2023, Tessa de Vries from Erasmus MC, now has...

Leaders in Life Sciences

Via the website https://leadersinlifesciences.nl/, you can listen to interesting podcasts...

Oncode Accelerator demonstrator projects

First call of Oncode Accelerator is now open. https://www.oncodeaccelerator.nl/news/oncode-accelerator-announces-first-call-opening...

The EUFEPS annual meeting in Hungary

This years EUFEPS meeting will be held in Debrecen, Hungary, on 23-25 May. Registration is possible via this website...

Registration for DMD2024 is now open

You can now register for the next version of the Dutch Medicines Days, that will be held again in Oss on 16 and 17 October. Early bird fees are avaiable if you register before May 2024...

Oncode Accelerator started

On 8 September 2023, Oncode Accelerator started officially. This video shows what they want to achieve. More information can be found at their website.  ...

Saal van Zwanenberg Ereprijs 2023

Saal van Zwanenberg Ereprijs for three professors of Pharmaceutics. Professors Erik Frijlink (GUIDE/GRIP), Joke Bouwstra (LACDR) and Wim Hennink (UIPS) will be honoured with the KHMW Saal van Zwanenberg Ereprijs on November 14 2023 in Haarlem. More information can be found at the KHMW website.  ...

Aanmelden Kandidaten Prix Galien

Vanaf heden kunnen kandidaten zich weer aanmelden voor de Prix Galien Awards 2022. Nieuw is de Prix Galien Biological Award, een afsplitsing van de Pharmaceutical Award. De opsplitsing van de oorspronkelijke Pharmaceutical Award doet hiermee recht aan de diversiteit van de therapeutische...

Leiden – European City of Science 2022

Leiden – European City of Science 2022 In 2022, Leiden will be the European City of Science. That means a year in which Leiden will be the European knowledge platform, with a 365-day program full of science, art and culture. Of course, the faculty of humanities will also be a part of this...

Aftermovie DMD 2021: Why you should join us in the DMD/EUFEPS conference in 2022.

Aftermovie DMD 2021: Why you should join us in the DMD/EUFEPS conference in 2022. Sharing Knowlegde, Rewarding Talent and Sparking Curiosity. Watch the aftermovie of the FIGON Dutch Medicines Days 2021 and find out why you should join the combined DMD/EUFEPS conference in 2022. We look forward to...


Veel FIGON partners zijn druk bezig bij te dragen aan nieuwe diagnostica, geneesmiddelen en vaccins tegen SARS-CoV-2. Daarnaast dragen we ook graag bij aan de informatievoorziening over deze pandemie. In onderstaande KNAW webinar van 22 oktober 2020 leggen experts uit waar we staan aan het begin van...

In memoriam dr. Jaap Wilting (1944-2021)

On 17 February 2021 dr. Jaap Wilting passed away. Many will remember him from the time FIGON, NVFW and TI Pharma were founded. The FIGON owes much to his perseverance. An in memoriam is posted by our partner UIPS...

PharmInvest makes a showcase of Dutch BioPharma.

With the arrival of the EMA in the Netherlands, PharmInvest has made a bidbook, with an overview of the Dutch BioPharma landscape...