Aanmelden Kandidaten Prix Galien
Vanaf heden kunnen kandidaten zich weer aanmelden voor de Prix Galien Awards 2022. Nieuw is de Prix Galien Biological Award, een afsplitsing van de Pharmaceutical Award. De opsplitsing van de oorspronkelijke Pharmaceutical Award doet hiermee recht aan de diversiteit van de therapeutische interventies, waarbij elk van de innovaties recht aan gedaan worden. De Biological Award […]
Leiden – European City of Science 2022
Leiden – European City of Science 2022 In 2022, Leiden will be the European City of Science. That means a year in which Leiden will be the European knowledge platform, with a 365-day program full of science, art and culture. Of course, the faculty of humanities will also be a part of this year. What […]
Aftermovie DMD 2021: Why you should join us in the DMD/EUFEPS conference in 2022.
Aftermovie DMD 2021: Why you should join us in the DMD/EUFEPS conference in 2022. Sharing Knowlegde, Rewarding Talent and Sparking Curiosity. Watch the aftermovie of the FIGON Dutch Medicines Days 2021 and find out why you should join the combined DMD/EUFEPS conference in 2022. We look forward to welcoming you in Leiden the European City of […]